How to plan better retail?
I examined existing retail zoning in East Cambridge during an early graduate school project. East Cambridge is an area undergoing rapid change as it becomes a global hub of biotech industries. My analysis focused on understanding how existing retail zoning and clusters might be able to encourage a more pedestrian friendly environment. I first distributed population data from residential buildings in East Cambridge and calculated the reach of residents each building had within a 1.5km radius, while also taking into account a multiplier for buildings that were nearby a subway station. The results demonstrate ideal locations for retail establishments taking into account their proximity to the highest density of residents and public transit.
In many older cities like Cambridge, existing land-use codes might not meet the current needs or goals of a city. This analysis illustrates a basic framework for incentivizing retail and other mixed uses in densely populated areas that are accessible to transit. By creating enhanced proximity between residences and commerce, cities can encourage more commuter friendly thoroughfares and transit oriented development opportunities.